As we prepare for a new school year in the wake of the tragic and hateful events in Charlottesville, we wanted to share some resources that we’ve come across to help parents and educators dismantle racism and foster a more peaceful world. We’re sure this list is incomplete and invite you to share informative resources we’re missing so we can help tools like these spread.
Ultimately, we must lean into the difficult work of allowing ourselves to feel the discomfort of acknowledging and naming racism – including our own complicity with racism. Though uncomfortable, it is necessary in order to begin to make change.
As we kickoff our Embracing Equity series as well as re-enter our classrooms, we do so with the knowledge that we must do all we can to lay the groundwork for a more peaceful and just future.
Find a helpful resource that we’re missing? Let us know and we’ll continue building and sharing this list on our Embracing Equity website.
Wildflower Schools: Embracing Equity (registration is closed, but sign up to stay in touch on future events)
Resources For Educators To Use In The Wake Of Charlottesville
The Social Justice Book List
Facing Race: Strategies for leading an honest classroom conversation about race in America
Guidelines for Discussing Difficult or Controversial Topics
Anti-Bias Montessori
Montessori for Social Justice
The #Charlottesville Curriculum
Preparing Students for Difficult Conversations (Facing History)
Teaching Tolerance
Curriculum for White Educators to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism
Charlottesville Resources compiled by Erica Pernell